This is what it used to look like before the "feline incident". The "feline incident" consisted of two new kitties chasing each other over the dresser with one literally side swiping the lamp and it flying onto the floor. I found replacement parts for the light bulb holders and bulbs, but the solid white frosted glass shade... fuggetaboutit. I found the company that made these lamps. It was a bit cost prohibitive at two grand to replace. I bought these at an estate sale for $30.00 each. So I did the next best thing. Put my stained glass skills to work and create a "Frankenshade". 
The "Frankenshade" after repair
The "Frankenshade" after repair
You can see the other intact light in the background. I am very tempted to engage the felines again to destroy lamp shade #2. ;)
You can see the other intact light in the background. I am very tempted to engage the felines again to destroy lamp shade #2. ;)

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